Sep 4, 2008

What every man needs...

I have just finished drinking my third coffee today and I still feel bad: I could sleep starting this second and only wake up on Monday. I need a break and I can't afford one right now, unfortunately. And then, I find this picture you can see and start wondering: why is nobody paying attention to this kind of pics. Give me a workplace like this one (without my job being named "porn star") and I'll sure as hell be more productive than ever. Really, now, I just found a dream job. I've got a laptop, too, so I'm all set. Aiiiight?

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Anonymous said...

It could work but all that pleasure, I don't know how much work you would get done.

Anonymous said...

Well, yeah.. but at least you would get "done" and it would still be great :))

Anonymous said...

BWAHAHA awesome, that could be an awesome way to work.

But as phone girl said, not too sure how much actual work would get done.

TOPolk said...

If that were my gig, I'd have no qualms about working overtime...

Anonymous said...

Good photo! And so true to live