Aug 14, 2008

Hilarious: Cure for premature climax

Being a flirting king or flirting master or whatever has nothing to do with being a performer in bed – that was proved, unfortunately, just a couple of days ago by the one you can really call Mr. Fast. However, the news quickly started to circulate among my friends, unfortunately, since I forgot that D, my best friend, knows about the existence of My Girl Quest (and thus this blog) and he can’t really keep things for himself.

However, if my friends wouldn’t have known about that I would have never seen these images you can enjoy now and which are said to guarantee you will never have problems in bed (aka premature ejaculation :D). And they probably are right, since these things are so damn hilarious! But now I know what I want for my birthday lol.

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Anonymous said...

This one's funny,really funny, excellent writing and a real niche, man.

Muckbeast said...

Is there a web site for those pillow cases? They would make for some pretty awesome gifts.

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Anonymous said...

Unfortunately no... at least not as far as I know :)