Jul 15, 2008

Relative state of mind: wasted, idiotic

Today was a really strange day and it got proved to me that you can’t understand women. Period. Or that men are just creatures who have no idea about the most basic social interaction types – you talk, I talk, we both listen and that’s it. Nooo, it always has to be a bit more complicated and the “bad” thing has to be on my side. Forever and ever, like a curse, like something which will always go wrong.

Today was one of those days when something unexpected happened at my workplace and they allowed us to go home about four hours earlier. I took advantage of the situation and invited I. (a work colleague who I believe wants IT from me) to have a drink with me. She accepted and we went to a pub nearby. And we started to drink and talked and everything was fine – we were both getting pretty dizzy and I was starting to think if we should go to my place or hers. One thing was clear: we were going to do it and only the day after I was going to worry about what I did. A classic, male-ish situation.

On the other hand, apparently she was in a classic, feminine situation, since when I asked her: “Want to continue it at my place,” she honestly asked me: “Why?” Just like that, plain and simple question I couldn’t have answered honestly in a hundred years. A question I never anticipated and which hit me like a hammer, crushed me like a bug and put me to silent mode.

Why?” she asked again while I was still staring at her like the dumbest Dumbo, sweating like a pig and trying to find a way out of the whole situation. Unfortunately, the only thing that got to me then was a classic, rather outdated line: I told her I had a bottle of great wine at home. “You’re so silly sometimes,” she replied. “I don’t like wine!”

It was crystal clear: she wanted IT no longer (no pun intended, honestly). After days of looking at me, telling me I’m cute, telling me she has no friends, that she feels alone, that she needs a life… after accepting my God damned invitation to go for a drink (as in just the two of us!) she no longer wants IT. IF she ever wanted IT. I no longer understand anything and I feel like a complete idiot. Was she giving me hints or my mind was playing tricks? Did she change her mind? Was she too scared? I guess I’ll never know, but one thing is clear: I. won’t be on my list too soon :D

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Anonymous said...

Maybe she's just trying to tease you. Some women just like to play hard to get ;)

Anonymous said...

Honey, it is not because a woman tells you you are cute, she has no friends, bla bla bla.... that it means she wants IT!!!! She might have thought you looked like a great guy to be friend with... and then what ever happens happens LATER down the track... but because you are only after one night stands... you are bound to encounter those situations...

McM said...

@Jazz: Well, yeah... she played way too hard to get, unfortunately

@Prisqua: There is no such thing as friendship between a male and a female - or if it is, it will sooner or later be screwed by them screwing, so why go through all the trouble just to do IT and regret afterwards? :D Anyway... it's probably better that nothing happened, since it's always hard to deal with "what happens after" if she's a work colleague.

Anonymous said...

mr. fast, i did not mean friendship as let's become best friend before we make out... not all of us will just "try before we buy" and just jump into bed with you because you are cute... some girls just want a bit more, know you a little before anything else... especially if the girl is after a relationship...

McM said...

Indeed, that is the biggest problem usually - two people wishing for two different things :) Cuz things are never as easy as you wish to be.