Jun 19, 2008

Bad week, after all

It’s been a really bad week for me. M. returned to mess a bit with my life, I was not able to score at least one chick and, even worse, I did almost nothing to heighten my chances - no flirting, no meeting of new girls, no nothing. Just failure, failure, failure. And hoping to get the best out of weekends and doing nothing else during the week is definitely a bad thing to do: I need at least two girls per week and it’s very likely I will not get them during the weekend.

I need to make new friends, somehow. I need to keep going out, I need to experiment and explore. Because soon my circle of friends will have no girls to offer to me. :D The virgin to be sacrificed on the altar. LOL.

I’m taking a week off from work next week since I am getting very tired. I think I should get out of town. Go visit a friend or something. Improve my chances of meeting new girls, flirting with them and convincing them I deserve their love. Because surfing for girls or playing sim date games is not going to help me. So, unless I want to become a new Onan, I have to get my ass up this chair!

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