Jun 1, 2008

A Few Changes

Just a few notes, since I had a little chat with D., the friend that knows about all this and basically the one who started this whole madness (or, at least, to be madness).

We did a little math and 100 girls in 365 days, without counting ONSs is something we could call impossible. Honestly. So, starting now on, ONSs DO count. Yahoo!

Uhm… well… just sorta “yahoo!”… I still have to get myself together and start achieving something, after all! Last night was not something I could call encouraging...

Second, the “proofs” thing. I can’t really bring proofs to D. for every girl I’ll put under my spell (except if I do some completely wrong things, like hidden cams or such – which I am NOT going to). However, I gave him my word I won’t lie. I have no reason to – at least during the first 100 days :)

And, at last, a blog-related thing. I said I will not promote my “adventure”. I have decided to do it, after all. Following my last night’s "success", I see that I need all the help and support in the world. Even though I will probably only receive hate-mail from girls. Well.. nobody’s perfect! So you should not pity the fool. He will change.

Image credits: theretrobaby

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Anonymous said...

People should read this.